How to fix blue screen of death (BSOD) on windows 10?
BSOD can cause due to various issues from hardware complaints to software issues.
This issue mostly occurs due to random reasons. One of the main solutions is to undo your latest action on your PC. This includes removing software recently installed or updating Windows.
If you cannot access the system, then Go to the power button and press shift key.
While pressing on the shift key, click the reset start (on the Power button visible on the window). Then choose the troubleshooting option on the screen.
- Select Troubleshooting
- Go to Advanced options
- Choose Start-up Settings
- Click the restart button on the right corner
After your computer reboots, on the start-up settings menu, push the F5 key on your keyboard to Enable Safe Mode with Networking. In this safe mode, you can follow the below steps to resolve the issue.
Safe mode starts Windows in a basic state, using a limited set of files and drivers. If a problem doesn't happen in safe mode, this means that default settings and basic device drivers aren't causing the issue. Observing Windows in safe mode enables you to narrow down the source of a problem and can help you troubleshoot problems on your PC.
If you can access your PC following the steps below could help you to fix it:
Go to Control Panel
- select Hardware and Sound
- select Power Options
- Select Choose what the Power Buttons Do
- Click Change settings that are currently unavailable à then under Shutdown Settings à toggle Turn on fast startup (recommended) (i.e. turn OFF if it is ON or Turn ON if it is OFF )
This is the first solution if the issue persists then follow the below steps as well:
Click Settings
Select Apps
(do this step if required)
- uninstall any apps you wish to remove (you can also search, sort and filter apps). Some apps may require rebooting the system.
(This is a sample app. Note only remove unwanted apps)
Complete the uninstall by carefully reading any prompts.
- Also Unplug external hardware (printers, scanners etc.)
Another thing to do is to check for windows updates.
- select Update and security
- select windows update on the left pane
- then check for updates.
Then the system will automatically check for updates and install the latest updates. If prompts reboot the system to complete the update.
And if your issue persists, please contact your product manufacturer.
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